All the Marbles was a phenomenal movie. It featured hot women in great pro style action. For its time, it was revolutionary.
Before I was able to see women's wrestling videos, all I really had was my imagination. I would imagine these incredible wrestling matches that combined awesome action with the upset storyline I am so addicted to.
The few pro matches on TV had the action, but not the fantasy aspects. The early topless wrestling videos really had neither. Still, back then, you took what you could find and made the best of it.
There was one specific match on Glow years ago that really got to me. It was a Texas Death Match between Ninotchka and Dallas. It was right up my alley. Dallas beat the crap out of Ninotchka, pinning her several times. Then Ninotchka turned the tide and wound up winning the match with a piledriver!
My problem with the older Golden Girls & Double Trouble tapes is that they were primarily submission based. In most cases, submissions do not cater to my particular fantasy. I like pin falls.
All that changed on the day when I first saw DT-193, a multi pin fall pro-style match from Double Trouble Productions. I was blown away. I couldn't believe how simple the solution was and why I had not thought of it myself.
If you like pin falls, make a match with lots of pin falls. It's that easy. Who said you can't make up your own kind of match? Who said that you can only follow what the TV wrestling companies do? 2 out of 3 pins isn't enough for you? Make it 7,9,11 whatever. A 3 count doesn't do it for you? Make it 5,6,8,10.
As obvious as it seems now, it never occurred to me at the time.
The basic premise of the match is that you pin your opponent as many times as it takes, until she is unable to make it to the next fall. Kind of like a "Texas Death Match."
Mia Walters against Alexis. Mia was at her absolute prime back then, sporting a fit hard body. It didn't matter that she was one of the only A cup wrestlers around. She displayed great athletic skills along with her legendary ability to "sell" a beating.
Alexis also impressed me with her athletic ability and great looks. The only thing that bothered me is that she wore a floral pattern Bikini. I don't like floral pattern bikinis.
The action went back and forth with each woman getting a number of pins on the other. These were all good pins, no quick small packages or things like that. In each case, the wrestler was beaten to the point where she could not kick out of the pin.
Granted, neither one of these great performers could ever be compared to the great pros like Wendy Richter, Lei Lani Kai, or any of the Japanese women, but this was, without a doubt, a huge step forward for DT in my opinion. Judging by the number of multi fall matches they have done since then, I suspect that I am not alone in feeling this way. They have tapes where it was 5 of 9 falls or even 7 of 11 among other combinations.
This tape opened my eyes to the possibilities of custom fantasy matches. To this day, the multi fall format remains my favorite type of match, along with the Super Heroine ones. Over the years I have seen some great multi fall matches, and I hope to see many more in the future.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Multi Fall Ring Matches
Posted by
Jonnie R
11:01 PM
Labels: " "Col Ninotchka", " "Double Trouble Productions, " "Ladies Wrestling", " "Lei Lani Kai, " "Mia Walters, " GLOW, "Pinfalls, "Wendy Richter, "Women's Wrestling
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Hollywood- 2
Posted by
Jonnie R
8:41 PM
Labels: "Cheryl Rusa", "Jeanne Basone", "Women's Wrestling", "Wonder Woman", catfighting, GLOW, Superheroine
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Glow Superstar "Hollywood"
I glanced nervously at the clock. We were on schedule. I checked the map quest directions again and again to make sure we were going the right way. We were.
I smiled while passing yet another sign that was there that night just for me. It said "Hollywood."
A quick flashback to 1989, the first time I recall ever being here. I was nervous then too. Nervous, anxious & excited. I was going to the legendary Hollywood Tropicana, the world's most famous women's wrestling club. It was pre-Internet and I really didn't know what to expect.
Back to 2006. The tropicana is long gone, but that feeling is there all over again.
The cell phone ringtone snapped me away from my thoughts. Glancing at the caller ID, I saw it was her. Some last minute directions. It was really going to happen! I was moments away from meeting her for the first time...
Hollywood is a true legend in the wrestling and superheroine worlds. Whether in GLOW, Playboy, Married With Children, We've Got It made, or with her own video production company, Hollywood has always turned heads and make pulses race.
Hollywood is the total wrestling package. Gorgeous, outrageously sexy and very hot, she knows how to wrestle and she can do all the physical moves.
I have often stated that the true measure of a wrestling performer is the ability to convincingly sell a beating. Mia Walters became a legend for Double Trouble wrestling for that very reason.
Hollywood has perfected that ability and brings something extra to it. She has the looks, body, athletic skills, and personality to play a powerful, confident, cocky, and unbeatable character convincingly too. This makes her defeats that much greater when they occur.
Mia was great at selling and had the athletic ability, but she couldn't convincingly pull off playing the powerful confident character as well. Stacy Burke is another phenomenal performer, but I really have to strain my imagination to be able to easily accept her as an overwhelmingly powerful woman.
Shelly Berg, on the other hand, plays overwhelmingly powerful and undefeatable very well, but she's not as effective when playing the loser. She's good, but not great. Alexis Taylor is another example of a woman who has the look & attitude to play powerful and confident, but she simply is not able to convincingly sell a beating.
For my specific interests, Hollywood has it all, and unlike some of my other icons like Misty Blue Simmes and Magnificent Mimi, she has a lot of great material out there.
Things got even better when she started her own production company and began making her own videos.
Hollywood's web site has a great selection of wrestling and heroine related material and she only gets better & better with every new release. Over the years, I have had the privilege of helping her with a number of scripts and was able to place her in situations I had only fantasized about.
We had almost 8 years worth of email correspondence between us, yet we had never met. There were a couple of "near misses," but it looked as if we were not destined to meet. Until now...
I saw her from about 50 feet away and waved. At least I think I waved. All I know is that my arm was shaking for some reason.
Ok, let me get away from the "glow by glow" report and cut straight to it. Jeanne is indeed gorgeous!
I cannot recall the last time I saw a woman that beautiful up close.
It quickly became apparent that she's even cooler than she is she is breathtaking.
She has a tremendous energy about her and we sat there talking as if we had known each other forever. I sat there glued (glowed?) to every word she said. I know this sounds like a cliche`, but I became oblivious to everything around except what has happening at our table. Time and space became irrelevant. I was having a great time!!!
Speaking of time, the clock brought me back to reality and it was time to call it a night. Lucky for me, one of my best friends had joined us for dinner, someone who knows me inside & out.
He would later tease me about the dumbstruck look I had on my face all night, but at this point he knew that I would not be so bold as to try to make future plans with Jeanne. I'm always conscious of the fact that for these women this is a job and thought that it was incredibly cool that Jeanne came out to meet me socially. I didn't want to push my luck.
Fortunately, my friend is not as nervous as I am and suggested that we all meet again tomorrow night. She thought that was a good idea too and we made plans to have a late dinner the next night after she finished a job she had to do. WOW!
More on that in my next posting. For now I just want to wrap things up by marveling at some interesting facts. Hollywood is an icon in my fantasy world. She wrestles, plays super heroines and is a great performer. She's beautiful and hot. Nevertheless, I walked away that night amazed at how nice she is. How cool she is. How much fun she is to be around. The fact that she is gorgeous (and she IS) became secondary. All I can say is that there is one lucky person out there who makes her eyes sparkle, and I hope he knows how lucky he is.
Posted by
Jonnie R
6:57 PM
Labels: "Women's Wrestling", "Wonder Woman", catfighting, Superheroine
Friday, November 10, 2006
Wonder Woman & Fausta!
To a guy like me, the picture above is one of the best ever. To quote an old song, "It's the stuff that dreams are made of."
I remember as if it were yesterday. A winter Sunday morning in 1983, a UHF(!) station out of Baltimore that I could just barely pick up in Washington, static, and a whole lot of snow on the 14" screen. And there it was. The scene unfolded before my eyes. A masked WW picking up a barbell and lifting it with 2 hands. The the real Wonder Woman comes out and is about to lift it with only one hand when suddenly a trap door opens and she disappears! The reception was terrible and I could barely see. There was a commotion going on under there stage. WW is chloroformed and dazed. Her magic lasso of truth wrapped around her body, forced to reveal the source of her super powers. Her belt is removed and the mighty Wonder Woman is helpless!!! She's knocked out by another whiff of chloroform and her lifeless body is carried to a waiting car.
Caught of guard, never imagining that this could be possible, my mind was racing. What? Where? When? How? Wait a minute! I want to see more. I want to see it again. I want to see it clearly!!! And then it was gone. Over. But wait! I don't want to see the commercial on TV, I want to see that scene again. Aaaargghhhh!!!!
To put some perspective on this, it was before VCRs were popular, before all the information was available on the Internet, and I had no way of knowing if I would ever see it again. I missed the first run of the show on ABC & CBS, but had managed to see just a couple of reruns. I loved it, of course, but it lacked the peril I oh so desired, obviously, because it was a network show. So just like reading the comics, it served as a catalyst for a vivid imagination. Images that would later be incorporated into erotic fantasy plots being played out in my head. But this? This was different. This was the real thing. This was amazing!!! And there it was. It came and went without warning in under two minutes. But these weren't just any two minutes. These were two minutes that were burned into my psyche despite the poor reception and small screen.
Fast forward to the late 80's and a comic book convention in NYC. I stumble upon a booth that sells bootleg WW videos from the TV show. Eureka! I described the details I remembered from that one brief viewing many years before and the vendor knew exactly what I was talking about. "Fausta," he said. "Fausta the Nazi Wonder Woman." My eyes lit up. Validated at last. He didn't have a copy to sell there, but it doesn't take a genius to have figured out by now that I got his information and contacted him after the show.
Two weeks later, it arrived! The elevator ride from the lobby to the fifth floor lasted forever that day as I clutched the tape in my hand and couldn't wait to get into my apartment and see it.
The rest is history. The tape I received was lousy quality, but it was priceless! The TV show went into syndication and I finally had the chance to make a first generation tape for myself. The Internet came into being and I discovered that there were many out there who shared my fantasies. By the mid to late 90's, fetish video producers were putting out WW inspired material. One of my favorite wrestling performers of all time, former GLOW girl Hollywood even got into it and boy did she look hot!!! Then the DVD came out. Uncut, crystal clear! Bringing this up to a brand new level. I have probably captured every single frame of that scene in still pictures, and they are great quality!
To this day, the Fausta episode remains one of the most popular ever. That chloroform scene etched into the minds of thousands of people like me.
It's amazing how far this has progressed in the 23 years since I had first seen it. I wonder what will be available for fans like me in 23 years from now!
Posted by
Jonnie R
7:08 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Rene Vicary
Sometime in 1983 I discovered Cavalier magazine, an adult magazine whose content included erotic wrestling material. If I recall correctly, mostly stories and perhaps some pictorials.
The cool part was that they had advertisements on the last page and that was how I discovered the Golden Girls women's wrestling video production company.
When I received their catalog in the mail, one of the first images I saw was of a busty blond having leg scissors applied to her mid-section.
It was Rene Vicary, AkA the California Angel and it was, of course, love at first site!!! VCRs were still in the very early stages back then. As I didn't own one, I started off with some photo sets. The stills were of really high quality for that time and were the best ones I had ever seen in my life. Rene was the hottest woman wrestler I had ever seen in my life.
The nice thing about stills is that you can play with the order and create the kind of sequences you want to see- up to a point.
It would be about 4 years later until I was able to see my first video, and up until then I just had to make "storylines" up in my head.
When I finally bought my first tape, it was, obviously, one with Rene. I can't remember the tape number, but it was a Golden Girls match against Shelly Berg in her pre enhancement and pre Burbank Bomber days. Shelly, by the way, will surely come up again in this blog sometime soon.
The video was both amazing and disappointing. Amazing because I hadn't really seen mch wrestling action until then. The only matches I had seen were brief WWF matches with Wendi Richter & Lei Lani Kai and some other snippets on TV.
This was a high quality, well lit video and I loved it! To a point though and I'll try and clarify this a little bit.
For one, I had created a persona for Rene in my mind. When I saw her the first time on video, she obviously was nothing like the character I created. Not better or worse, just different.
Another problem I had with that, and almost all other videos at the time, was that I am simply not nearly as interested in submission as I am in pro stlye. On the other hand....
Rene was sizzling hot! Shelly was great too. Rene lost the match as I had hoped, and she lost it nicely.
Rene will always be among my all time favorites, mainly because she was one of the first.
She was excellent at playing the heel, but her acting left a bit to be desired when she was on the receiving side. As I have mentioned before, the true skill lies in the abiltity to convincingly "sell" a beating. Rene was mediocre at this at best. Still, she had the "look." She projected power and confidence and appeared to be someone who realistically should never be defeated. Just the way I like it.
Over the years, Rene lost to Shelly, Spice (twice), Belinda, and Elsa as far as I know. There are probably 1-2 of her matches that I haven't seen.
Unfortunately, Rene did not do nearly as many videos as the other superstars she came up with, so her back catalog is not very extensive, especially when compared to Shelly & Belinda Belle for example.
I guess that just makes her videos all the more special.
Posted by
Jonnie R
12:39 AM
Monday, November 06, 2006
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...

Ah yes, the mighty Supergirl. The maiden of might. The princess of power. The woman of steel.
Supergirl- the first incarnation of my fantasy world. All it took was a comic book with her & some Kryptonite and I was hooked forever.
The notion that a woman as powerful as Supergirl can be defeated is overwhelmingly exciting. The transformation from total, absolute power to complete weakness drives me wild.
I am particularly fond of what I call The "Power Pose." That's when Supergirl is standing with her legs slightly apart, her shoulders pulled back and her hands on her waist. I see that as her ultimate projection of power and confidence.
From that point, my favorite scenario is when Supergirl walks into a kryptonite trap. She comes in the room, strikes a power pose, walks further into the room and suddenly begins to feel odd. She stops dead in her tracks, a dazed & confused look upon her face. She begins to feel weak. Her arms fall weakly to her sides, shoulders slump forward, and her knees buckle slightly.
She tries to get away, but her nemesis, a shapely, scantily clad female villain, holds her by the arm and walks her closer to the Kryptonite. She becomes weaker the closer she gets until her once powerful legs give out and the mighty Supergirl falls to the floor helpless.
Variations of this scene have always been featured prominently in the Supergirl stories that I wrote. I also included it in some Supergirl-inspired videos that I have written. One day I hope to be able to direct one of those videos myself and get the scene perfectly. Up until now it's come close to my vision, but never close enough. The closest it ever came was in a video called The Adventures of Super Tanya starring the amazing Tanya Danielle and available at
It is much easier to indulge in this fantasy in the age of high speed Internet and digital video. In the old days it required much more imagination.
Until the Internet, I thought that this Supergirl fantasy of mine was rather odd. Now I know that it's odd, but I also know that I am not alone.
Back in 1981, someone casually mentioned that they had seen a porno movie based on Supergirl and that it had a scene with a Kryptonite dildo. I tried to play it cool and not let on exactly HOW interested I was in this. Years later, I finally managed to track down a copy at an adult video store in Manhattan. I couldn't believe that anyone else would interpret the character in this manner. I, of course, would have done it differently, but at the time that was the only thing like that available, and I was thrilled to have it.
Today there is plenty of Supergirl-related fetish material out there but many of them do not key in to my specific interests. More on these videos and my involvement in some of them in a future post, but for now, I still hope that one day I will have the opportunity to direct a video where everything will be just the way I want it.
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, its...... YUCK! It IS a bird!!!
Posted by
Jonnie R
11:09 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Misty Blue Simmes
Some time during the late 1980's I saw a picture of a women wrestler named Misty Blue Simmes. Remember that old song that goes "just one look. That's all it took?" Well, that's exactly what happened. I saw the face, the body, the hair and the costume and without even realizing it I said "Holy prototype, Batman!"
There was only one problem. I didn't have access to any of her matches. Back in those pre-Interenet days, there were only a handful of wrestling magazines that covered Women, and I scooped up any one with a picture or a mere mention of Misty Blue, but I had yet to see any footage of her.
The reason I was so instantly drawn to her should be quite obvious by now. She has the look of a champion and a body that projects power. Add her usual outfit that to me looked superheroine-ish. The fact that I knew she existed but had never seen her built up the fantasy to even greater proportions.
Several years went by and I finally saw an ad by a video producer named "Delta Tiger Lillies" in which they mentioned Misty Blue. I called them immediately and spoke to a woman who was one of the owners. To my disappointment, she told me that Misty is indeed in that tape, but she does not wrestle because she had an injured shoulder. Sometime after that, and I can't remember the exact circumstances, I found out that Delta Tiger Lillies would be exhibiting at a video trade show in NYC's Javitts center and that Misty Blue would be there too! WOW! I lived and worked 20 minutes away from there at the time, and there was no way that I would miss out on this.
The day finally arrived and I eagerly went over to the Javitts center to see if I could meet my fantasy wrestling superheroine. And there she was, in full regalia wearing her red white & blue wrestling attire. Standing next to her were Candi Divine, another favorite of mine, and Kat LaRoux who I had only seen in magazines until then. I spoke with the ladies for a few minutes, had some pictures taken and then went on my way. My fantasy wrestling superheroine was indeed real, but I still had never seen her in the fantasy.
Several years later, my wish finally came true. Misty Blue was part of the televised LPWA wrestling show. Yahoo! I finally got to see her wrestle after all these years, and I was not disappointed. Of course, now that I had seen her wrestle, I wanted to see her lose! I tuned in week after week, match after match, but she'd never lose.
Finally, the day of reckoning arrived. Misty & Heidi Lee Morgan, the tag team champs went up against "Bad, black & Beautiful" in a 2-3 fall championship match! I love multi fall matches and I sat there hoping that something good will happen for me. It did. Misty Blue Simmes got seriously pounded on by the opposing tag team. The fall ended with a weak and dazed Misty getting a piledriver!!! A PILEDRIVER!!! She was counted out 1,2,3 for the fall and an everlasting magic moment was born.
To this day, that is in my top ten all time women's wrestling moments. As fate would have it, she wasn't wearing the red, white and blue that day, but that skin tight pink was fine by me.
One other time, she was wrestling in a singles match against "Bad Girl" (who was also known as Dallas on Glow). Misty had her out in the center of the ring, but when she went up to the third rope for her signature finishing splash, Bad girl's manager interfered causing Misty to miss the splash. Bad girl covered her and my fantasy wrestling superheroine was pinned again.
Once again, she wasn't wearing the stars and stripes, but I can't complain.
Misty Blue lost one more time in the LPWA against Heidi Lee Morgan, but it was due to interference, and she wasn't in the stars and stripes there either.
I spent years searching out for footage that shows Misty Blue taking a beating, but I haven't found anything.
Earlier today I saw a quote from Misty Blue where she said that in 11 years and over 1000 wrestling matches, she never lost. She did mention an LPWA loss that was reversed due to interference. The tag team pin wasn't considered a loss because it was only one fall.
Knowing this makes that magic Tag team pinfall all the more memorable.
Thanks for a great career Misty-Blue!
Posted by
Jonnie R
5:25 PM
A Superheroine Named MasterGirl
Tall women really, REALLY do it for me. 5' 10" & up drives me absolutely wild, especially if they are "Wonder Woman-esque." With that in mind, it's not difficult to understand how I went absolutely crazy over 5' 10" New Zealand wrestler Lisa Marie when she first wrestled for Double Trouble around 1993. Talk about a prototype, she was THE prototype.
The first video I saw was a topless boxing match between Lisa Marie and Sandy White. I was floored! The script was perfect. Lisa Marie, all confident and cocky wiped the floor with Sandy for most of the match, but then Sandy came back and eventually knocked her out. A massive upset and just the way I like it. The next one I saw was a tag team match. Lisa Marie & Susie Johnson against Mia Walters & Bobbi Brandt. This was also a dream come true. Lisa Marie went from powerful to incredibly powerful only to end the match unconscious on her back.
A superstar had been born and I couldn't wait to see what the future held. The thing is, Lisa Marie lived in New Zealand and was only visiting LA. She did a number of videos with different companies and then went back. What a bummer!
A couple of years later she resurfaced on the Internet and I made sure to be in contact with her. We ended up working together on a video that she shot in New Zealand from a script that I wrote. It was called "Amazonia, The Thunder From Down Under" and Lisa Marie played a Superheroine character that was partially inspired by Wonder Woman.
The prototype woman in the prototype character. Can anyone say "Schwing?"
The following year she visited LA once again. An online buddy of mine wanted a custom superheroine match with her in it and asked me to write the script. He wanted it to be very erotic.
Well, I had to think about this for nearly 1/2 a second before agreeing! The result was Lisa Marie as a Powerful Superheroine named MasterGirl, and it was quite risque` by the standards at the time. Nowadays it almost seems tame and it's only been 6 years or so since it was shot.
In anycase, Lisa Marie NAILED the part and did an incredible job. She had that "something-extra" quality that made her the perfect Superheroine. The only other woman I can think of who is THAT good as a superheroine is Tanya Danielle, and it's a safe bet that she will be the topic of a future posting here.
Back to Lisa Marie, she went back to New Zealand shortly after the MasterGirl shoot and I haven't been able to contact her since. I can't even find anyone who knows ANYTHING about what she's up to these days.
It's a shame that she is no longer performing, but at least she managed to make a bunch of videos for companies like Double Trouble, Les Femmes Fatales, California Supremes, Green Eyes and others. To this day she remains one of my favorite performers and a true prototype. Hopefully the last chapter on her has yet to be written.
Posted by
Jonnie R
1:18 AM
Friday, November 03, 2006
Christine Dupree
Christine Dupree is a former Penthouse Pet and one of the finest wrestling performers to ever hit the scene.
I've been watching her in videos since the late 1980's, and some of them are among my all-time favorites.
Why do I like her so much?
She is athletic and has the kind of body that, to me, exudes power. Lots of power. It's not just her breasts, which are indeed spectacular. It's a combination of her shoulders, her hips, her waist, her stomach and her thighs. Raw power. Oh, and her arms. I LOVE her arms.
In short, she's one of the "prototypes."
She's one of those women who in my mind are virtually undefeatable, and therefore, one of those women that I love to see lose.
But wait, there's more.
For starters, she's gorgeous, not only sexy. She's also one hell of a performer.
One of the key performance elements is the ability to convincingly "sell" a beating. The ability to act as if she's really getting the stuffing pounded out of her, while in reality she's not.
I'm often amazed at how some women can simply not "sell" being on the losing side. Most, if not all can play the dominating winner, but it's much harder to be convincing when you are losing. Christine "sells" exceptionally well.
But wait, there's still more.
Christine is a trained martial artist and boxer who has fought competitively. She knows what it's like and she can do all the physical maneuvers, sometimes referred to as "taking bumps."
Christine has done some amazing videos for the various wrestling companies out there and this will inevitably be the subject of another posting in this blog in the future. Today I have some personal experiences to share.
After nearly 18 years of being a fan, I finally had the opportunity to meet Christine Dupree last week.
It was my first time back in LA in 11 years. Women's Wrestling Video Producer Sabre Studios was doing a shoot there and they were kind enough to involve me in the project. They shot two matches that day, one of them with "The Great Dupree." Better still, I was given the task of scripting this match!
But WAIT! It gets even better.
We all had dinner with her the night before. By "we all," I mean myself & the 2 Sabre guys- some of the greatest people you'd ever want to meet.
Nearly a week has gone by and I am still thrilled.
So let me go ahead and tell you, she is gorgeous in person. Not only is she gorgeous, but she's really, really hot too. Believe it or not, that's not even the best part. The best part is that she is really nice and fascinating.
So there I am at a restaurant sitting next to Christine Dupree, trying to be cool, witty & charming, hoping to somehow sweep her off her feet.
Well guess what, I couldn't have even swept the floor that night, much less a mega-hottie off her feet. I probably wasn't that bad. It's just that I wanted to be that good.
Hell, I was nervous!
I wanted to ask her a million questions, but didn't want to be overbearing.
I wanted to just look at her, but didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
I wanted to know all about her, but also wanted to respect her privacy. After all, for me it's a fantasy. For her, it's a job.
So all these things are racing through my mind, but more than anything, I wanted to act in a respectful manner. It was incredibly cool of her to come out and eat with us, and I wanted to make sure that nothing would make her feel uncomfortable.
Dinner FLEW by. Before I knew it, it was time to call it a night. We all had a shoot to work the following morning. I asked to take some pictures and we said our goodbyes. She went one way and we went the other.
One of my favorite bands is Boston and they have a hit song called "Don't Look Back," but I did.
We walked a few feet and I turned my head to catch one more glimpse of this incredibly sexy woman as she walked away.
Two hours later I was sitting in the hotel bar with one of the guys over some Johnnie Walker Black and still couldn't calm down.
The shoot went great the next day, and Christine is an awesome professional. More on the shoot in a future post
It's so rare when fantasy meets reality in life. It's even rarer when the reality is just as good or better than the fantasy.
Meeting Christine was definitely an exciting experience and I cannot say enough good things about her. Mind you, I'm not usually this starstruck. I've met famous people before, but there was something special about this.
One last thought from that day. Jeanne "Hollywood" Basone was supposed to meet us for dinner too. I have been fortunate enough to do some work for her over the years but have yet to meet her in person. She was under the weather that day and could not make it I was speaking with her on the phone when a call from Christine came in. Talk about famine to feast.
For about 20 seconds, I had Hollywood on one line and Christine on call waiting.
How cool was I right then????
Posted by
Jonnie R
10:07 PM
Female Fighting News
So here it begins...
I've been a fan of Superheroines in Peril and female wrestling since as long as I can remember. There is something about seeing a seemingly invicible woman going down in stunning defeat. A woman so powerful that the mere thought of her losing is inconceivable. The upset.
I'll be discussing this and many other topics related to Women's wrestling and Superheroines.
As a kid, I found comic books with Supergirl being exposed to kryptonite to be arousing. Later on, I found a Wonder Woman comic where WW is on the cover wrapped in her lasso. She says soomething to the point of "I've made myself helpless. What are you waiting for?" (I will probably post a pic of that cover in a future post). That cover did something to me!
And then I discovered Women's wrestling, the final piece in this puzzle. I like many forms of Women's wrestling from the erotic to the psychotic. One of my favorite matches of all time was a TV broadcast of the old AWA. It was a championship match between Candi Divine and the challenger, Sherry Martel. I stumbled upon it by chance.
Candi Divine fit right into my prototype. Tall, powerful looking & the champion. The match ended with her helpless on her back in the middle of the ring as Sherry Martel jumped off the third rope, splashed her and got the pin. WOW!!! Now mind you, Sherry Martel blew the move. She executed it poorly and it didn't look right, but I didn't care. It was the fantasy dead on! In my mind, Candi Divine, the undefeatable champion had lost in a tremendous upset. That's what I like.
I'm going to try and post here often, just rambling on like I did just now. Let's see where this goes
Female Fighting News
Posted by
Jonnie R
1:21 AM